woensdag 2 maart 2011

Puzzle en Adventure Minecraft Maps

The Lost Base:

“Don't destroy anything! (except snow or sand)
Don't place any blocks!
The amout of slimeballs is your score. (They are hidden in chest. 64 + 64 + 26 = 156 slimeballs) 
You are allowed to make stuff in a workbench.

The Temple of Doom:

Minecraft Forum

“Play on Hard.
Don’t destroy any blocks”

The Forgotten Temple:

“You can’t destroy ANY blocks.
You MUST play on peaceful.
You can’t take torches with you.
You can take with you and use only the items that you find in chests.
Collect gold for the highest score.
Post your score on the forums.
Turn of music, it’s important.”

The Legend of the Flint & Steel:

“Can Play on any game difficulty (suggested is Hard)

No destroying blocks of any type unless told too.
Reply to this forum with your score and thoughts of the puzzles

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