donderdag 17 februari 2011

Dead Island

Dead Island is een nieuw spel dat in de maak is voor Xbox 360, PS3 en PC. Het wordt ontwikkeld door het Poolse bedrijf Techland, de makers van Call of Juarez.

In een intervieuw verteld Adrian Ciszewski: "Storyline is always important for us. I think that the zombie genre gives an opportunity to show many interesting things apart from lots of gore. Human behavior and their relations during the fight for survival. It's the same thing with Dead Island. We have survivors who are trying to stay alive, no matter what the cost is. That brings all kinds of situations which occur in a post apocalyptic world. Story begins with a plane crash. The main character wakes up somewhere on the island and finds that there is no plane wreck around and his wife is missing. After a while he learns that the island is overrun with multitudes of zombies. Initially his goals are pretty obvious but things will get much more complicated during his journey."

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